Sunday, February 12, 2012

Busy week (Kori)

This week I lost 2 ounces.

It has been busy and stressful and I was unprepared. These all led to us eating later meals that were hastily thrown together. I am going to spend today getting ready for the week. My house is a mess and that also throw me into fits and nothing seems settled. As a family we are going to take care of the piles and catch up on the laundry. These two things can throw me into a tailspin. I do not work well in chaos. Actually, I should explain....I am a neat freak. Things have a place and when they are not there it gives me fits. I have tried to lighten up and I have, a little.

So on to a new week of feeling no stress, eating better and be prepared.


Den said...

Kori! I didn't know you had become an organizational, neat freak! Good to know that before you come to stay with me, because I'm pretty sure I would never get that label!!! I'm more of the scatter-brained, clutter monkey now! LOL!

I hope you are having a good week. I avoided posting on Saturday. I want to stick my head in the sand. But the scale called me out this morning, and unless I want to gain my 26 pounds back, I better get my *** in gear. I lost momentum, but I have not given up, my friend! I'm gonna work hard to pull this day off without an overeat.

aleut5 said...

Hang in there, life is challenging. Glad you caught it early.