Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 8: Weigh Day and Updates (Den)

WEIGHT LOSS:  I finally did it…I gained 1.8 pounds. But ya know, it’s not as bad as it sounds. As I said earlier this week, I was up 4 pounds, so I’m better than I was! I’ve had my act together the last few days, and I am optimistic that the 1.8 will be gone quickly and I’ll be back to working on fresh, new pounds. Hey, sometimes when you lose weight, it finds you again…like it has a built-in GPS! I’ll try to give it the ol’ slip one more time.

FOOD:  I juiced up a big batch of green juice, pulled out my favorite snack food (almonds), and stopped going out to eat. These are good, positive steps towards recovering from this week’s gain. I hope to have good news to report next week.

Overeating is really a mental thing with me. I do love food, but it’s more than that. When I lose my focus, I tend to just keep hurting myself. If I eat a few Doritos, my mind tells me that I should “hurry up and eat the whole bag” so it’s not a temptation anymore. That’s warped. I know. It’s the same way with blowing my diet one day…I feel like I might as well blow it for the week. It isn’t logical at all (and I’m a pretty logical gal), so I don’t understand how I let myself fall into this same trap over and over. I’m not giving up on myself this time. I’m gonna keep returning to healthy choices until THOSE CHOICES are the habits that I can’t seem to break. I won’t give-up, Kori! I’m gonna do this with you! You just wait and see!


aleut5 said...

I know your gonna do this with me and I know we are gonna get past this crazy roller coaster we have been on. I got a book you might like called "Fit from within" by Victoria Moran. Very encouraging. Hang in there and thanks for doing this with me. Love ya.

Den said...

I will check out the book! :)