I find it funny how simlar Denice and my journeys have been to this point. We both have struggled with weight all of our lives and we both have had health issues that made us rethink what we are doing to our bodies. I knew when we started this process it was going to be a lifetime committment.
I hit my total loss of 49 pounds in May and I have lost three more overe the summer, which is not where I thought I would be but I have discovered that I am thrilled with it. I have maintained this weight loss longer than any other in my past. I love that both Denice and I had the same down time and we both came out the other side at the same weight we started. I am ready to recommit to remaining healthy and losing more weight.
I met with my diabetes provider and he is thrilled with me. He agreed that if my numbers look good in March, he will take me off of all of my medication. Yay.
I commit to at least two organized classes per week at my office, they have zumba, circuit training and boot camps to choose from.
Bring it on!!!!!
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