Have you ever heard of a “vegangelical?” What a funny little
term. It’s applied to vegans who have placed themselves on a high horse and
snub their noses at all the “poor, confused, and ignorant” carnivores and
ovo-lacto (egg & milk) vegetarians. I don’t want to be veganelical. In
fact, I’ll be the first one to tell you that I fall off the vegan-wagon and eat
dairy (generally less than once a week), and I eat my own hen’s eggs whenever I
feel like it…and, guess what? – Insert Gasp Here – sometimes (albeit rarely), I
eat meat.
The fact is, though, as a society, we eat too much darn
meat. A good dietician will tell you that a serving is 3-4 oz of lean meat…you
know, the ol’ size of a deck of cards thing. Boy, that looks small sometimes,
right? Being consciously aware of the small portion allocated to us by these
dieticians, who can justify eating that huge cheeseburger? The same goes for
all that dairy. It was easy to be an ovo-lacto vegetarian. More CHEESE if you
please…and here I am, a fat vegetarian! But, speaking from the position of
someone who has virtually eliminated dairy, I’ve found that the change has pushed
me towards eating more produce. Frankly, I never had room for those veggies
I’m making an effort to change the way I approach life. I’m
making small steps towards improving my body. Taking two steps forward, then
one step back, still results in forward progress. I’ll get there sooner or
later. I want to keep refining my program, tweaking it just here and there
until I feel comfortable and happy with it. I want to limit my soy intake,
eliminate GMO foods, drink more fresh juices, move towards buying more organic
produce, etc. They are just little steps, but like my weight-loss, little
changes can result in big improvements as time passes. If you are reading this,
then you probably want to make little changes, too – your own list of little
changes. This is a fitness journey where the map unfolds as we travel down the
path. There are struggles, and pitfalls, and mountains to climb. If you take
one step back, you have not landed back where you started; you are just one
step away from moving forward again.