Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thanks, but can I trade this week in for a new one? (Den)

What a week. I hate to even begin this mid-week post. Ya know, I want to be positive and upbeat, so that makes me want to hold back from writing my struggles. But that is part of the problem. Life really does just keep happening, and pretending that all is well is sometimes a mistake. So, I'm gonna share these tidbits, but just know that I am not discouraged. I am not done retrieving my health. I am, though, in a holding pattern.

I hurt my back a week ago, and that has proven fatal to exercising. I managed to get a 40 minute low-impact workout done, only to discover that by evening I was felt horrible. My back did not enjoy its reinitiation to exercise. It made my sciatic nerve issue flare-up, and my back, hips, and right leg have a constant dull, deep pain. Sciatica usually takes about two weeks to fade away on me, and exercise will reaggrevate I've taken to doing only arm workouts with weights. Maybe I can get some biceps going!

Our truck broke down, again. So, we are limited to a single vehicle. That stinks because my son and I are generally pretty active during the week, but my husband needs my Jeep for work. We are 15 miles from town, so bike riding down the highway really is not an option for me and the kiddo. No matter anyway, because Colton and I have come down with nasty colds! Feeling sorry for myself encouraged me to a big, fat, dark chocolate bar that my mom sent me for my birthday...which gave me a ton of guilt, but also made me feel like, "well, I already blew it," so I ate a big dinner, too. UGH. Enough of this week. I'm ready for a new one. I hope next week is better! I don't know if I even want to get on the scale this Saturday! OK. Done venting. I'm gonna trudge on through this, weigh-in Saturday, and start a fresh, new week. :)

1 comment:

aleut5 said...

Den, hang in there. I am glad to see that you are recognizing your patterns and learning from them. That's really what this is all about. Love you