Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 5: Weigh Day and Updates (Den)

WEIGHT LOSS:  I was shocked when I got on the scale and discovered I had lost 1.5 pounds this week. It is a bittersweet loss, because I was not a faithful dieter this week. In a perfect dieter world, this is the weight I should have lost last week, and I should have gotten the zero loss on this week.

EXERCISE:  My back is still very messed-up. I only managed to do a 40 minute workout one time, and that hurt the back even more! I wake-up hurting, and I go to bed hurting. I think I’ve damaged a nerve, because the pain comes out the back, but also goes down through the hip and across the front of my thigh. I’m going to be very patient with this injury. I think it may take several weeks to heal properly. Hopefully, I can start integrating some short walks and arm-weight exercises for now.

REWARDS: No news on this front. 8 pounds to go for the next reward!

FOOD: It’s been a battle. Some days, I win; some days, I lose. It’s been a rough week. Our truck broke down, me and my son caught nasty colds, and then the whole back thing. The stress and pain has given me unjust cause to graze, although I’m not actually hungry. Once I’ve eaten something off my program, my brain tells me, “Well, you’ve already messed-up. Let’s eat!” And then I’m off looking for more ways to sabotage myself. But I see the trend, and I’ve staved off the feelings more than once this week, so I’m proud of that. I have a feeling I will make many discoveries about myself over the next several months. Eating my way through STRESS seems to be one of my problems, so I need to focus on stress reduction techniques and managing my cravings when they surface. I’m looking forward to this new week, as I am integrating some juices to the program. Love my juicer, and can’t believe I haven’t been utilizing it lately!

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