Saturday, March 17, 2012

Updates: Week 10 (Den)

I’m skipping my weigh in because I don’t think it is as accurate as it could be. Unfortunately, we decided to have pizza, blue cheese salads, and milkshakes…A LOT OF FOOD.  Yeah, eat til you almost pop amounts of food; a miserable amount of food. My rings are so tight from the water retention that I may need them cut off!  Ok, not that bad, but still! Very bad decision on my part, I know – especially right before weigh day.

Oddly enough, I had an alright week. Some days I was pretty good, some days not so great. Obviously yesterday qualifies as “not so great.” Point is, I don’t want to weigh and make myself feel bad for a few pounds of water weight, so this is a strategic decision on my part. I might check in the middle of the week, but if I check Saturday morning, knowing I weigh more, and then I’ll give myself license to eat all weekend. This way, I wonder about it all weekend, but don’t have the excuse that I often use to blow an entire weekend on eating junk food.

I’m just not gonna play into that scale-anoia this week. It’ll just about kill me to not weigh. I’m scale junkie. There is a gal on my internet diet board that switched to weighing once every two weeks, and I that might be something I would like to try. I don’t know if this no-weigh will help or hurt me, but I’ll let you know next post. 

1 comment:

aleut5 said...

Hang in there, I think you made a good decision, why get disouraged by what will be gone in a aday or two right? You can and will do this, I have no doubt. We all have different journeys and battles. You are battling right now and you will be victorious. Love ya.