Monday, March 12, 2012

Den's updates

Man, have I been slacking! I feel pretty motivated this week, though. I lost a half pound last week, but found it this week, so I've got nada...and after a weekend of pizza and muffins, I probably have a gain to contend with at this point.

I did start my period, which is helpful because I've been having a lot of problems with my "parts." I thought it was my back, but when my back never improved, I realized I was likely dealing with PCOS again, and that I probably have an ovarian cyst that is twisting and making trouble for me. My last go around with a badly cystic ovary was a couple of years ago and it took months for the pain to subside. In the meantime, though, I'm stressed and worried because I have not been to the doctor to confirm my self-diagnosis. So, I don't sleep well, I have an incredible amount of tension in my body, and I'm mentally fatigued.

I'm using pain as an excuse to blow my diet. I mean -- really -- how does overeating and not exercising improve my pain situation? It doesn't. So, pain -- although real -- is not a valid excuse to quit eating healthy (it may be a valid excuse not to exercise). It doesn't make sense to eat poorly because I don't feel well.

I've tried to get out of the house more this week. I planted the garden, I weeded, I painted the house. Anything to keep my mind off of the ache in my abdomen. I believe that I am feeling a bit better. I was reading Exodus early this past week, and I paused on a portion of 15:26 where it says that God heals. He was saying that He heals the Hebrews who follow Him, but I think He's capable of healing us still. I'm gonna cling to that this week. I'll try to be a mustard seed this week. I will try.

1 comment:

aleut5 said...

I agree with the power of healing and the power of prayer. Hang in there sista!