Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cleansing and more cleansing! (Den)

I’ve been working out every day this week, albeit not too long or too hard since I am just moving back into this phase of my plan. My abdomen doesn’t feel great, and there is still a nagging pain down on the right side. But whether it’s an ovarian cyst, a ruptured small intestine, bladder cancer, or an alien probe, I can’t just sit around and let it stop me from my fitness goals. I don’t think the pain is any worse when I work out, so I’ll just keep plugging along.

I’ve fallen into a nice rhythm with my cleansing program. It doesn’t seem nearly as hard as it did the first few days. I have found that I actually will NOT die if I don’t have coffee, iced tea, gluten, refined sugar, processed foods, etc. I pretty much live on fruits, veggies, and nuts for now (but not peanuts). It’s not really sustainable for me, though. I never thought it would be. I needed to clean out my bowels to see if I could shake this pain out. I’m dedicated to finishing what I’ve started now that it doesn’t feel as difficult. When I finish my 6 weeks, I’ll decide what I want to do about adding things back into my diet.

The boys both said that they noticed my face had lost weight over these past two weeks. Man, I hope that is a good sign of a happy scale moment when I finish!

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