Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 14 Updates (Den)

I’ve been completely on-track this week. I have denied myself a good number of things, and I feel better for it. Many people tell us that we shouldn’t deny ourselves, but frankly, I think I would do well to deny myself a lot more! I am a creature of lazy luxury. I want to laze around and indulge in whatever my mind says it wants. If it wants a half gallon of ice cream, well then, where’s the spoon?! I mean, gee whiz, I wouldn’t want to “deny” myself.

I’ve noticed that my nose is working overtime. I smell the yummy food that Colton and Todd eat (which seems to be ALL THE TIME), and I want to rip my hair out and run the other way because the temptation is so great. I think I am waking up to the fact that I fell off this program because the boys were no longer supporting me. True, they kept encouraging me, but they didn’t adhere to the “plan” and that made it harder for me, and I gave-up. It’s not their fault; but, eating better has to be a FAMILY priority. Now, I have to walk the road alone (but I hope to inspire them through my actions). I have to figure out the way to move forward, because the boys can’t lead me where I need to go.

I haven’t weighed; I won’t weigh. Oh man, it’s killing me. But, I want to take these next five weeks to really test myself in this respect. I have to get past the “diet” mentality. I stopped counting calories, too. I’m just living the way that I think I am supposed to live. It seems like such a monumental thing to let go of the tracking, logging, measuring, and weighing. I DON’T think giving up logging and tracking is for everybody. I think it is for ME, because I’m obsessed with it, and that can’t be good. I hope I can stick to this part of my commitment. 


aleut5 said...

You are doing great. Keep it up. I know you can do this. Love you.

aleut5 said...

It's funny, someone asked me today what I was doing to lose weight. I said eating less and being more conscious of the choices I make. The reply was "Do you count calories?" me "no", "do you exercise every day?" No. People have a hard time grasping that I have changed my mindset and that has made all the difference. I am not obsessed by, it's just what I do.

Den said...

I think that one of my problems has been not having a really strong support system in place. It makes me want to get that personal satisfaction from numbers (weighing, measuring, recording), instead of from friends, family, coworkers, even doctors. Aside from you, Kori, there's no support. I don't absolutely NEED Todd and Colton's support, but it would make things flow a little better in the house.

The boys are sweet and kind, and give me compliments, but it is not enough. As an example, Todd came home last night with hot dogs and donuts for him and Colton. I love them to pieces, but I worry for their health, too! With their support and participation, it seems that staying on track would be more vitally important (not necessarily easier, but more crucial). I hope to take these next three weeks to convince them that we need to do this as a family.