Saturday, May 19, 2012

(Kori)Saturday weigh in

I have been feeling complacent the last couple of weeks. I have had my middle daughters graduation, a friends wedding and many changes at work. I also signed up for school again. I have had to put a lot of energy and effort into keeping up and excercise and eating really well have fallen by the wayside a bit. I know that in the past I would used this hectic time to eat myself stupid, which would have made me ill. I did maintain good habits and I have lost weight but only in ounces. I feel the stress on my body and my mind and I am ready to refocus and get busy. I also have found that now that all of my clothes fit and I can purchase clothes in the store again, it is easier to not be so focused. I decided to purchase an adorable outfit that was 2 sizes smaller so that I have other goals and I will continue to do this. It's helps in two ways, expense; now that I have lost weight and all of my clothes fit, I will need to begin purchasing all new clothes from here on out, motivation; my reasons for wanting to be fit are morphing a bit. I have gotten my numbers under control but now I have fitness goals I want to attain. So here is to a new, less stressful week and getting a grip!

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