Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week 17 Updates (Den)

I cannot say how excited I am that I have nearly finished 6 weeks of food elimination & cleansing! Wednesday will be my final day, and I am going to have Thai food at my favorite little restaurant on Thursday. They make a wicked bowl of veggies and tofu cubes that I am craving…I have not eaten at a restaurant since I began this reset, and I am looking forward to the treat.

I’ve been doing really well, but I still feel a little hesitation about getting on the scale and seeing if I made my goal or not. I am looking for that digital read of 224. I have really worked hard these past few weeks, and I want the proof in the numbers! Despite not knowing, I did see myself in a full-length mirror yesterday and I was surprised at my reflection. I actually saw a difference in my shape. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I’m pretty sure that I look different than I did a few weeks ago.

I have no reservations about the last 6 weeks. I’ve done everything that I could, and I’ve met all my goals for the reset. I’ve worked hard physically, stuck to my easting plan, and given it everything that I possible could give. Still, I’m ready to begin bringing back certain foods into my life. I’ll make a mid-week post on Wednesday to announce whether or not the scale cooperated with my reset plan! Regardless, I feel great and I’m proud of my accomplishment.

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