Saturday, May 5, 2012

Week 16 Update (Den)

This has been another really good week for me. I’m in control of my eating and my exercising. Since I knew I was doing a six week “reset” plan, I have incorporated small goals that build upon each other each week. This week, I brought my exercise up to 50 minutes. I wrapped my bad knee and added an upper body cardio boxing routine. I’m feeling pretty tough!

I only have about a week and a half left of my cleansing diet. I’m ready to be done! But it’s a bitter-sweet feeling. I haven’t had any refined products, and I think I’ll keep going with that decision. I like the whole-foods concept of eating. I’m anxious to get the boys eating vegan dinners. They are not planning to go vegan in their lives, but just eat vegan for supper. They are surprisingly excited to try some of my recipes!

Not weighing has been difficult at times. Colton has lost a couple of pounds, and he keeps telling me, “Mommy, I can tell that you’ve lost weight, too. You are gonna be so happy when you get on the scale.” That kills me! But I really want to achieve my goal, so I’m staying off of it. I can see my mini-finish line…just 12 more days.

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