Friday, December 30, 2011

WEEK 1: Weigh Day and Updates (Den)

WEIGHT LOSS:  What a week! I’ve got an 8 pound loss to post! 3 more pounds and I’m back where I left off a couple of months ago. So excited! I don’t think I’ll really feel like I’ve started dieting until I get those 3 pounds off and start working on “NEW” weight loss. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of weight still, but I feel like I just did all this hard work in the Fall, then fell off the wagon and bounced right back up. But I have a lot of inspiration this time, and I’m ready to do this thing!

EXERCISE:  My 10 year old son, Colton, lost a total of 5 pounds for his first week. YAY COLTON!!  It’s not a weight loss competition, but it is an exercise competition. HE won this week. Beat me by 5 minutes! We write our exercise time in minutes…no matter what exercise we do, or how intense we do it…it’s an honor-system thing. As long as the person’s heart rate is up and the person is working hard, then that counts as exercise minutes. So, Colton can run stairs faster than me, but we are working just as hard to get up and down. His 5 minutes may be 20 stairs to my 10 stairs, but both of us get 5 minutes on the board. Todd is joining the fun, too. He just started yesterday.

REWARDS: I also decided to lose in 10 pound increments, and reward each mark with a special treat. For my first reward, I’m buying an annual state parks pass! Every week we can hit a park for free, and there are several in this area, one that is just a very short drive from us. I think my next treat is going to be a heart-rate monitoring watch, so when we go walking, I’m making sure that my heart rate is up to 140 mark.

FOOD: Doing great…been VEGAN all week. Made an awesome vegan chili last night with apples, tomatillos, poblanos, jalapenos, white beans, and potatoes. Incredible flavor! The only negative that I have to report on the eating side is that I forgot to eat sometimes. I said I would eat 6 times a day, but I’ve been at 4 or 5, so I’m trying to force an increase. Todd’s fasting blood sugar was 110 this morning, so I really do have to get this family under control or we are all going to have troubles. I feel like I have to be strong for them, so I am really trying to get them involved in this effort.

1 comment:

aleut5 said...

Great job to all of you! I am thankful you are supporting each other, it makes a huge difference. Keep up the great work. I will update tomorrow when I weigh in!