Saturday, December 31, 2011

Weigh IN! (Kori)

So.......drum roll.......I have lost 12 POUNDS!!!!! I began on Thursday the 22nd, the day after my diagnosis. I am very proud of myself. I have also been able to keep my blood sugars in a healthy range, although they are still high in the morning. Thanks to some research from Den, may have the answer. Will discuss it all with my provider.

Also, I work for a large medical facility and they have a group starting up after the first of the year called "Lose to Win" It's in the same building I work in and several of my co-workers are going to do it with me as well as my husband.

I have to say the support I am getting from all of my friends is priceless. One of my male co-workers brought in moose stew yesterday and he did not add potatoes or sodium, just for me. My boss moved the big bowl of candy she always leaves out and our admin assistant is going to look for healthier snack options to keep on our floor. Den, Sam and my kids have been wondeful and I am grateful for the time Den is able to put into this because I work full time, not that she doesn't :) but working from home affords a bit more freedom.

Another reason I am grateful to my husband is for the beautiful ring he bought me the night we found out I had diabetes. It is a reminder that I am strong and I am loved and I have many good reasons to fight for my health.

So, a big shout out to the Texas Slaters who are pulling together and doing a wonderful job supporting each other. To the Alaskan Slaters, keep up the great work. My oldest daughter ReBecca has been vegan for almost 3 months and has lost 15 pounds during that time. My youngest daughter Hailee has been vegetarian for many years, is now vegan and has lost 15 pounds during that time as well. Abby, my middle daughter has maintined her weight loss that she had a couple of years ago and is now ready to tackle that last 20 or so pounds that have been plaguing her. Sam has lost 8 pounds since the 22nd!

Keep up the great work everyone!


Den said...

Yeah Baby, that's what I'm talking about! Way to go! I'm so proud of you and know you are proud of yourself. Hey, you are welcome for this blog. I've had some extra free time lately, and I'm so happy to help you and myself with this struggle! We'll just keep after it, no matter what. Again, awesome job on your hard work!

aleut5 said...

I have to make a correction, the day I got my ring was the night before I saw the doctor since Sam knew I was going to get some form of diagnosis that we did not want. Just wanted to clarify.
Den, you ROCK!