Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday weigh in (Kori)

Drumroll..........I lost.........5 pounds this week!!!!! I am excited. I knew the last couple weeks had been rough and I felt like the stress and emotions were really affecting me and once i let some things go, my body let the weight go as well. I learned something from my health counselor this week. She tole me "Kori "NO" is a complete sentence" That is some awesome advice. I tend to be a people pleaser and take on too much. I need to manage my time better so I don't get so overwhelmed. It's a work in progress. One thing I will do is buy a small date book for my purse. I use my outlook from work on my phone for work appts but I am not good at using it for personal dates which tend to be the ones that get me stressed out cause I have too many. I will get a calendar and make sure I don't double book myself or schedule things too closely. One step at a time. Now I am off to the gym with my honey.

1 comment:

Den said...

You guys have fun at the gym! I'm super happy for you this week...such a big number!

Well, I hope your new organizational efforts pay off with dividends. You gotta have down time, especially with dieting since now you have to fit meal planning and exercise into an already busy schedule. But you are doing well, and you will conquer the time management as well! :)