Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 6: Weigh Day and Updates (Den)

WEIGHT LOSS:  I had to lose weight this week because I said, “If I don’t lose weight, then I’m not eating any pizza at my own pizza party Saturday.” I LOVE PIZZA, but don’t eat it very often because I rarely indulge in cheese now. But, Saturday is an exception, because we are going for pizza!!! I lost 4 pounds this week. I don’t encourage food rewards, so I see my pizza date as more of a goal challenge -- I’m not going to eat pizza because I lost weight…I lost weight to make sure I could eat pizza. See the difference? No? Well, I’m still going for pizza!

EXERCISE:  My exercise is lacking due to the damage in my back. I stood while teaching Thursday (about 3 hours) and my back, hip, and thigh ached terribly. Then I caught that cold, and the congestion has now taken up residence in my lungs and spawned my asthma troubles, requiring me to break-out my inhaler and live on mucinex for the time-being. Last night I drank and breathed a hot, steamy cup of lemon water with honey and fresh ginger, and I was amazed at how well I felt. But before that, I was an old, wheezy, crippled woman!! I’m just not ready to return to exercising yet, but I think I'm closing-in on it. My goal for this week is to do arm exercise routines with the weights.

REWARDS: Only 4 more pounds to reach my reward! I haven’t decided what to get…maybe a smaller size!! I really want a Vitamix blender, but they are WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. So, maybe the blender can be a 50 pound reward or a ONEderland reward in 35 more pounds.

FOOD:  I’ve started juicing again, and I’ve gone organic with my juice produce. The boys don’t much like my daily Green GoGo juice – cucumber, celery, kale, green apples, spinach, spirulina algae, lime, and ginger. OK, so it takes a little getting used to, but it’s great for the blood pressure! I didn’t buy any prepackaged foods like boca burgers, soysages, or chk’n patties. AND we are going down to the Whole Foods Market this weekend. Love that store, but it’s on the other side of town and don’t get over there very often (about a 45 min. drive). Luckily, it’s down by the pizza parlor, so we will already be in the neighborhood…which will be a good reminder that pizza is a very rare treat that must take a back seat to my regular nutrition program.

Have a great week!

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