Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New View (Kori)

I am feeling very good these days. I have been keeping my numbers low and the weight is coming off. I do need to include more exercise but being in the darkest, coldest part of the year has been a challenge. I am hoping the "Lose to Win" program helps inspire me in this area.

I had my first big challenge yesterday, we ate out two times. The first was lunch with my husband which went well, then I had a dinner board meeting which also went well. I made good choices that left me feeling satisfied but my blood sugars and calories stayed in range. Pat on the back :).

So begins a new week and a new year.

1 comment:

Den said...

I know it's been cold up there! Got a gym membership still? I'm so happy to hear that we have both made it through the weekend unscathed. I planned an "off day" on Saturday (I am not vegan on the weekend unless I really want to be), so we went for pizza. I only had two regular slices of just cheese pizza and a couple trips to the salad bar, plus a cup of cheese broccoli soup. We had hiked for three hours just to earn that "off day" meal. Thought I was gonna die after all that hiking. But worth it! I know we have different approaches (necessarily so), but we can make good choices for ourselves! It's hard sometimes, I know. I had really thought I could get by with just one slice of pizza, but it didn't work out that way. Still, I'm super happy with the weekend successes of both you and me!