Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 4: Weigh Day and Updates (Den)

WEIGHT LOSS:  I won’t lie to you…It was disappointing to hop and the scale and lose NOTHING this week. I know, I know…stay strong, it’s okay. I’m just keeping it really honest, though…I was hoping for 2 pounds. I stayed on my program, and I felt like I deserved more love from that hunk of metal that I call my scale! Well, no matter. If I eat well and exercise, the scale will cooperate at some point – it had better cooperate next week or we are going to see how strong my arms have gotten because I’m going launch that thing out the window!

EXERCISE:  Another bummer for this week. I injured myself doing my new TaeBo DVD – “Cardio Explosion.” Too bad that the only thing that really exploded was my back! Apparently, a forty-something year old woman who is still 105 pounds overweight is not fit to do a spinning back-kick while focus-punching in the opposite direction! Too many muscles going too many ways! I am feeling better, so don’t feel too bad for me. But I had to take a few days off my planned exercise schedule. Still, I managed to get 260 minutes of cardio done this week.

REWARDS: I received my immersion blender (and obviously, I received my exercise DVDs, too!). I haven’t used it yet. After I injured my back, I could barely move for a couple of days and have not been cooking. Although I have stayed in my calorie range, I miss being in the kitchen making dinners and such. I’m hoping to get back in there this week.

FOOD:  I wound up eating a lot of pre-prepared frozen stuff, or quickly thrown-together meals. That’s not the way that I want to run this lifestyle change, but ya know, life happens and we have to adapt sometimes. On a good note, I turned down a ton of stuff this week: My son brought me a piece of a cake, and I had a bite and gave it away (along with the lemonade); went to McDonald’s and had a couple of side salads with an unsweetened ice tea; passed up the donut counter even though my son got a huge éclair-like thingy (I had a Krispy Kreme donut last weekend which I planned for and included in my log); and, I did not have a single Cheetoh from the bag my mom sent to my kid. Yes, I had that little tortilla binge early in the week, but I’ve recovered well and I’m proud of that.

NEXT WEEK’S OUTLOOK: So, not my best week thus far, but still a good week considering the spinal blowout. I’m still optimistic -- just a little busted up and bummed out. 


aleut5 said...

Hang in there. I know it suckas and I am feeling your pain and frustration. Next week will be better and you will feel better.Love ya

Den said...

Thanks for the encouragment. I'm afraid that I'm still on the "blues train" right now, but I'll pull out of it.