Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week two weigh in (Kori)

Sorry it took me so long to get this posted, I have been swamped and literally have only checked my email for the last few days. Usually I roam the internet, Facebook, etc...
So I lost 2.7 lbs at my weigh in on Saturday. I signed up for the Win to Lose program at work and tomorrow I meet with a holistic health counselor. I also begin working out with coworkers tomorrow. I feel like it has been a very successful week and I am proud of where I am headed. My blood sugars are leveling and I am finding I can eat less and be okay with that. Here's to another week of feeling great and motivated.

1 comment:

Den said...

Keep up the good work! Its great that you will have some of your coworkers to exercise with...what a good support group for you!